Download David Smith's compositions by clicking the links below...


Jewels for Solo Vibraphone The Recording is with Piano but the written version here is for vibe and marimba solo

Timpani Etude #1

Timpani Etude #2

Ruffs are Rough

Snare Drum Etude #1

Let's Get Ready to Rhumba

Secret Jungle

Tribbles Score and Parts The recording is an arrangement for sextet however this arrangement is for big band

Score | Alto Sax 1 | Alto Sax 2 | Baritone Sax | Drum Set | Electric Bass | Guitar | Piano | Tenor Sax 1 | Tenor Sax 2 | Trombone 1 | Trombone 2 | Trombone 3 | Trombone 4 | Trumpet in Bb 1 | Trumpet in Bb 2 | Trumpet in Bb 3 | Trumpet in Bb 4 

The recordings are on the same page as the written music. Sorry, but it is all here just look around for it. Thanks for your patience.